I didn’t participate in Genuary this year, but I was inspired by a few of the submissions I saw to hack together my own sketches. Here’s what I came up with.
I was originally inspired by this Reddit post on expanding circles, so I recreated it and added some extra layers of depth. My kingdom for a plotter and a mechanical pencil:

From there, I thickened the stroke width of each circle, and colored each pixel based on the number of circle intersections there (using 2D SDF to check for intersections, and the cubehelix algorithm for coloring). There’s some really cool kaleidoscope vibes in some of these variations:

The SDF technique caught my imagination, so I spent some more time playing with using SDF and cubehelix to render simple circles:

This post inspired me to play with turmites a bit. The {{{1, 2, 1}, {1, 8, 1}}, {{1, 2, 1}, {0, 2, 0}}}
turmite is especially cool. Coloring it based on the number of visits to each cell, and removing the “state lines” shows some interesting structures:
While I didn’t officially participate, I had a lot of fun with Genuary this year.